Our Church
We exist to proclaim eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord. We proclaim His life in our teaching and preaching, our fellowship with one another, and in our missionary outreach.
As a Baptist church, we have a confession of faith common to all historically Baptist churches, and we agree with certain foundational principles in all of our teaching and fellowship.
These principles are:
The inspiration and authority of God's Word.
God's authoritative body of communication to us is His divinely inspired Word. It is our foundation in all matters of instruction and fellowship.
The two ordinances of baptism and the Lord's Supper.
We believe Jesus commanded us to baptize those who profess faith in Him and observe His Supper frequently until He returns.
The priesthood and liberty of all believers.
All believers have equal access to God and the freedom to interpret God's Word for themselves.
The independence of the local church.
Emmanuel Baptist Church is independent from any external governing body.
Baptized church membership.
We believe before an individual is accepted into membership, he should first obey the command of Christ to be baptized.
Go here to view our statement of faith