I mentioned in Sunday school this morning a couple of Pastor Kaufield’s sermons from Romans 9 that you may find helpful in your personal study of the sovereignty of God. If you have time, I highly recommend listening to them:
Thanks, Vernon. I wish there were simpler answers to this topic. I believe that God has revealed to us exactly what He wants us to know about Himself. If we could comprehend everything about God or have fully satisfying answers to all of God’s mysterious ways, we would likely live in boastful pride in our own understanding. That God is sovereign even over sin is what He tells us plainly in His Word. That we are 100% responsible for our sin is also plainly taught in His Word. How both can exist and not be self-contradicting, God has (for His own good purposes) chosen not to reveal to us. How God can be One God, yet exist eternally in three persons is a mystery that we also fail to understand, yet we still accept it. Why? Because it is plainly taught in His Word, and we trust that God has told us only what is true. If God wanted to give us answers or reveal more about these things, He would have done it. But He has chosen not to. He is absolutely right and good to do so, even if we have a hard time accepting it. God isn’t telling us to understand everything about Him, but He’s imploring us to trust Him even though we do not and cannot fully understand everything about Him.
Thanks for tackling such hard topics like this, even if some don't agree