As Christians we enjoy a magnificent stability in this life as a gift of God's grace in Jesus Christ. Here at EBC, one of our favorite prayer meeting choruses says "like a tree planted by the waters, I shall not be moved." It's a chorus based on Psalm 1 which reminds us that one who delights in the Law of the Lord "shall be like a tree planted by streams of water which yields its fruit in season, its leaf does not wither; and in whatever he does, he prospers." It pictures the truth of God as ground that is both solid and abundant in nutrients. As we draw near to God, we find our soul being anchored to ground that is both unshakable and revitalizing. The chorus we sing goes on to say "though the tempest rages I shall not be moved, on the rock of ages I shall not be moved." How wonderful to find that in unsettling times, our souls not only remain unshaken, but are consistently enjoying the rich nutrients of hope, peace and rest that our solid ground provides. It would be incorrect to ask a believer "what" is our solid ground. It would be better to ask "who" is our solid ground. It is not ground that is substantial, but personal. It is our Lord Jesus Christ. His enduring love provides our security, and His limitless power provides our stability. Psalm 1 reminds us that "the ungodly are not so, but are like the chaff which the wind blows away." The unbeliever is not anchored to this solid ground. Although they may have a great sense of security, it is a false sense of security that is swept away in an instant. Times of fear and uncertainty are times of great opportunity. The world has the opportunity to see in our actions what we have said with our mouths. We have an opportunity to say with our actions "just like a tree planted by the waters, I shall not be moved." Praise God that "on Christ the solid rock I stand!
