Romans 5:1-2 are verses that present us with three magnificent blessings all believers have through Jesus Christ by faith. "Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have obtained our introduction by faith into this grace in which we stand; and we exult in hope of the glory of God." The first thing to notice is that all three of these blessings are for those who have been justified. This act of being declared righteous by God is something already known through faith in Jesus Christ. This status of no longer being condemned, but rather justified before God carries significant blessings. The first blessing identified in these verses is peace with God. A justified believer is able to stand before God with no fear of wrath. This is a whole new position granted unto us graciously by God. Jesus Christ has made peace between a believer and God through the blood of His cross. Sin that separated us from God and made us objects of His wrath has been removed through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. There is no more fear, doubt or insecurity regarding God's acceptance of us. Through Christ we have forever entered a position of peace with God. Do you have this peace with God? Is this peace with God reflected in your prayers and worship?
